Competitive Gymnastics
Flying High has various levels of Boys and Girls Competitive Gymnastics. We offer Pre-Team, Xcel Team, Compulsory Levels 3-5, and Optional Levels 6-10. We aim to have well-rounded gymnasts at all of our competitive levels. Many of our gymnasts are multi-talented and we encourage them to shine both in and outside of the gym.
Our family atmosphere creates an environment where all of our athletes feel success and support from their fellow teammates and coaching staff. We pride ourselves on not just developing great gymnasts, but also wonderful young ladies and gentlemen!
Class Descriptions
- Xcel Team
The Xcel Program is an extension of the USAG J.O. Competitive Program. It is a program that has a bit more flexibility regarding time and financial commitment.
Xcel Jr.: Any Flying High gymnast currently enrolled in Intermediate, Mini Stars, Mini Team, or Pre Team is eligible to join our Xcel Jr. Competitive Program. If your gymnast was not ready to be invited to join our J.O. Level 3 team this year, this is the perfect opportunity to introduce them to competitive gymnastics while still working towards the goal of preparing for J.O. Level 3! Your gymnast will stay in their current class while adding 1-2 extra classes a week to learn the routines they will be competing. After this “season” ends then they will either be invited to continue in our Xcel Program or possibly be invited to J.O. Level 3.
Xcel Sr.: Xcel Sr. Team is open to girls 10 & up who are currently enrolled in our Advanced, Pre-Team, or Team Programs. This class is also a perfect fit for former team members and those who have experience with J.O.
*An evaluation is required by a Flying High Coach in order to participate in Xcel Team.
- Pre-Team Girls
When students have mastered all of the skills from the Intermediate Class and have shown motivation and dedication to the sport, they are invited to join our Pre-Team Class. In this class, students will begin to learn the skills needed for USAG Women’s Gymnastics competitive routines on each event. Coaches will set high expectations in this class so that students are prepared to become members of the competitive team.
*Girls need to be evaluated by a Flying High Coach in order to participate in Pre-Team.
- Girls Team
Our Competitive Girls Gymnastics Team grows bigger and stronger every year. We couldn’t be more proud of all the hard work, dedication, and strength our girls show inside and outside of the gym. Our Competitive Girls Team levels include: compulsory levels 3-5, and optional levels 6-10.
- Pre-Team Boys
When students have mastered all of the skills from the Intermediate Boys class and have shown motivation and dedication to the sport, they are invited to join our Pre-Team class. In this class, students will begin to learn the skills needed for USAG Men’s Gymnastics competitive routines on each event. Coaches will set high expectations in this class so that students are prepared to become members of the competitive team.
*Boys need to be evaluated by a Flying High Coach in order to participate in Pre-Team.
- Boys Team
Our Boys Team continues to grow and we’re impressed by this talented group who put their heart and soul into their sport. Boys are invited to be members of our Competitive Boys Gymnastics Team after having showing focus and willingness to learn in our Pre-Team program, as well as mastering all gymnastics elements of that class. We offer Boys Competitive gymnastics for level 4 through level 10.
Flying High stars continue to shine
Flying High is proud of every athlete we teach. We would like to give recognition to the athletes in our family who have continued their gymnastics careers in college.

Erin Murphy
University of Minnesota 2002

Andie Skala
University of Illinois, Chicago 2008-2012

Morgan Hadley
University of Wisconsin, Whitewater 2009-2013

Elizabeth Peters
University of Wisconsin, Stout 2010-2012

Carolyn Cozza
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2012

Katie Carling
Winona State 2014-2018

Allison Broad
University of Illinois, Chicago 2015-2019

Amanda Gruber
Western Michigan University 2019-2023

Jake Sampier
Air Force